Chuck is managing the Taco Bell at the Travel Center he has been working at. He is doing very well and is one of the top ranking restaurant managers in the district for his company. He has been enjoying joining the men from our church Tuesdays for coffee and prayer (when he can) and he has started "guys" night at our house which has been great for Bryan.
Bryan is now in the 3rd grade and has become quite the writer. He has a wonderful imagination and enjoys story telling. I am very proud of him! He is getting straight A's in school and enjoys attending church activities. He is really growing up fast and is a very big help around the house and with his brother. His favorite show (right now) is WWE ... mostly because of the time he gets with his dad while watching it. He loves Star Wars, drawing and playing with legos.
Jesse is in his last year of preschool. I can hardly believe he will be in Kindergarten next August. He is doing really well with his speech, talks up a storm now and loves being with other kids. He loves Mickey Mouse, building with blocks, doing puzzles and play cars. He enjoys singing and making jokes. Loves to count and spell. He has made lots of big steps into being more independent and loves announcing that he is a big boy and not a baby.
I have been enjoying teaching the Mission Friends class at our church and spending time with the ladies in the book club I attend. Other than that the kids keep me pretty busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am very blessed with being able to be home with them. I know it will be difficult for me to have both kids in full day school next year but at the same time look forward to not having to fit errands into a 3 hour time slot.