Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Complete sentences, please

Bryan and Jesse are off to a fantastic start to the school year.

Bryan, who is now in 3rd grade loves the extra homework (weird I know, but he is my little scholar). Every night he has math, vocabulary and spelling homework and has 3 monthly book reports due. He was working on his first book report last night. Their reports aren't the type I remember that needed to be done in paragraph form telling about the book. It is more of a worksheet where they fill in the blanks. However, the answers need to be written in a complete sentence. Trying to get Bryan to do this is like pulling teeth, but give him a hundred math problems and he is done in a matter of minutes.... (4 minutes to be exact, we timed him once).

Jesse is happy to have friends in his class this year and was excited to see his teachers and therapists again. Jesse has recently started talking in complete sentences... I would say in the last few weeks. I love hearing him really talk after having waited this long to hear his thoughts. He comes home and tells me about his school day now too... however he does it in question form. So instead of saying "Today we played on the playground" he would say, "Did you play outside at school?"
He has also started making up his own stories. When ever he tells me one we write it down and have him draw pictures to go with it, then read it back to him. He LOVES this. So far he has told us a story about a bird who sleeps in a bed in a tree and falls down to be eaten by our cat, another about a bird who flies to the moon to get a lollipop and one about a bug who sits all day long. LOL :) I love all his stories!

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