The long (HOT) summer is over. It was great spending time with the boys while they were off from school. We stayed pretty busy.... VBS, Basketball, camps, and a trip to Minnesota. The boys are back in school now. Both full day for the first time.

Bryan is in 4th grade and is pretty excited about his class being tech based. They have laptops, smartboard, video camera and digital camera to use in their studies. He is becoming such a little man and his likes are changing and maturing. He is more into older kid things and is looking forward to being a part of the church youth group and being a teen. (Lord, protect him and keep me sane!!!)
Jesse is in Kindergarten and doing really well. He loves being a big boy and riding the regular bus with his brother. His days are still pretty busy though. He attends a mainstream class, and specials (art, PE, music, Library), as well as speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy and works with the special needs instructor. He comes home happy, yet exhausted!

I thought I would have all this time on my hands once the boys were in school, yet I am still crazy busy!! Working on things for the church, helping people out and running this way and that. LOL Had to have an "Off the Grid" day a few days ago and stayed at home watching tv, reading, napping and doing a few chores around here... ignored the door and phone.
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