Friday, September 19, 2008

Ready for Autumn, Pumpkin Patches and playing in the leaves!

We have been having an early autumn this year. We have been enjoying temperatures in the 60's and 70's and the leaves have been starting to change. It just makes me that much more excited about Fall activities!!! I have started decorating my yard with harvest decor and have looked up the schedule at the local Pumpkin Patch to see how early we can go enjoy that! LOL I love LOVE LOVE Autumn!!!

Some of you have been asking if we experienced Ike or not. We did! It came through here Saturday night-Sunday. It actually combined with a tropical depression that came off the pacific and also a cold front. Saturday we actually had to take cover in the basement because the tornado sirens went off. We had no tornado but the storm had produced tornadoes that had momentarily touched down prior to getting to us so it was a precautionary measure. We also got LOTS of wind and rain (like 8 inches)over night which caused flooding near us. Everything is back to normal now but there were some pretty strange stories on the news! Like one man had been walking his dog on Monday and came across a crayfish... it had been picked up by the Hurricane and dropped down here in Kansas City!

Here are some new pictures:

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