Had a fantastic day with the kiddos. Because of parent teacher conferences last Monday and Tuesday there wasnt any school today. The boys watched the old 1940's Casper cartoons for a little bit then we had a nice hot breakfast together. Bryan and I finished watching a Discovery channel series called The Colony. He loves Science Fiction. Poor guy cried when it was over. He wanted more! :) So I introduced him to the show Jericho this evening.
The boys helped me make some Halloween cookies. Bryan lining them up on the baking sheets and Jesse counting them. Then we made some Coffee filter flowers. The boys loved watching the colors spread and the design change as I sprayed the filters with water.
Jesse tried a new ploy today to get out of his quiet time. He purposely ran into his door was quiet for a long time then said meekly "I'm okay... I'm alright." He thought I would open the door and rescue him from having to have 30 mins of down time. Didn't work ... and in a little bit I heard him singing to himself "Ho-wee Ho-wee Ho-wee Lord God
almi-ee."I love hearing him singing praise songs. Another new thing he started this week is randomly coming up to people and saying "HI! I am ME! Jesse!"
I am very excited to spend an actual weekend with my family. 2 days of having everyone home will be wonderful!