Jesse started at the local school in the ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) program in February. They have worked so hard with him!!! When he first started he was not able to sit at circle time, did not play with the toys, say more then one word at a time, or jump with both feet off the ground (to name a few).
They decided that when he is in the classroom he would have a one on one assistant so the para has become his classroom buddy. He is showing so much improvement its incredible! I love hearing reports back from the school. "Today Jesse was able to stay with circle time for 20 mins!", "Jesse jumped with both feet off the ground 3 times in a row today!" and so on. He is now, more often then not, saying 2 or more words together. He can answer simple questions and has begun some pretend play!!!
Last week I got a note home saying that they believe that Jesse does not need Extend School Year, basically they think he can handle the change in routine and be okay!
Still working on potty training him. He has tummy issues that make it harder to potty train. We are looking into making some diet changes to see if those will help.
He has become more cuddly at home as well as with others. I love when he crawls up in my lap and plays with my hair. He will make eye contact during those times.
He sings and has started doing hand motions to some of the songs now too!
Its so exciting to watch him grow!