Thursday, December 17, 2009

Squinty eyed smiles

I have been so busy trying to learn all I can to help Jesse. I have read 4 books with in a week. I think I will take a break for a bit though. The best thing I have found was a free resource on the Autism Speaks website. It is the First 100 Days kit. It was so straight forward and not so technical, which is the problem with the books. They get so technical and I feel like I need a medical degree just to understand them.

Jesse had speech on Tuesday and that went pretty good. He is still mostly only using one word at a time. He is trying to communicate though and that is very encouraging. He is starting to get interested in shows like Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, he can recognize and say the names of several of the characters.

I am glad that he is such a happy little guy. It sure makes it easier to deal. I love his goofy little squinty eyed smiles. They truely brighten my day!

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